Father's Day is a fantastic opportunity to connect with the men of your church, celebrate them, and help them get involved in ministries. Below is a summary listing of the articles and resources that will help you do that! The list has more than links to graphics you can download and personalize, but articles and strategy that will help you make the most of the communication pieces.
If you'd like to see a preview of all the sets and download links of all these publications for Father's Day, they are at the TEMPLATES page for Father's Day. CLICK HERE to go to the Templates page.
Below are samples of the various publications included, but each entry has a variety of the various kinds of publications. ALL the work is done for you—images and type selected, layout done—you can personalize if you want, or print a finished PDF.
Gallery of samples of Father's Day Publications
Below these samples are links to the full articles of each type with many more options.
Each of the articles below of publications also have galleries of the publications and download links. Be sure to check out the first ones of the slides and video—they are great ways to welcome father's on this special day.
Father's Day Power Point Slides and Videos of inspiring quotes and verses: https://wp.me/pDky9-7ly
Welcome slides for Father's Day: https://wp.me/pDky9-7mc
Father's Day Invitations: http://wp.me/pDky9-7fM
Father's Day Bulletin Inserts: http://wp.me/pDky9-7gG
Father's Day Men's Ministry Connection Cards: http://wp.me/pDky9-7gX
Father's Day Men's Ministry Business Cards: http://wp.me/pDky9-7ho
Father's Day Men's Be A Better Man Challenge: http://wp.me/pDky9-7hk
Father's Day Solutions to Porn Card, FREE to all: http://wp.me/pDky9-7hr
Father's Day Social Media Images, FREE to all: http://wp.me/pDky9-7gh
Dos and Don'ts to a successful launch of a men's ministry: http://wp.me/pDky9-7hQ
Make STRATEGIC use of Father's Day to grow your church--by targeting YOUNGER Dads: https://wp.me/pDky9-6ec