Georgia Bamber, an ECC Member, sent me a GREAT example of modification of the bulletin insert and prayer for the 4th of July that used the acronym GRACE as a prayer for America. She took the same idea and applied it to Canada Day!
She was then kind enough to send me a PDF of her creation which I've attached as a PDF and which you can download by clicking on the image at the beginning of the article.

You have both my permission and my encouragement to do the same for your country. Make it your own—modify the text and the headers to apply to where you live.Use this to remind your people who God wants all nations to experience His grace and to remind your people to pray for it.
Here are the words on the flyer that you can use as a prayer guide, bulletin insert, or an encouragement to pray for your nation either at your national celebration like Canada Day or the 4th of July or anytime your people need a reminder of the need for God's grace in the affairs of our world. If you do one for another country, please send me a copy and I'll pass it on! Send to:
“America, America, God shed his grace on thee”
As we sing these familiar words this year as we celebrate Independence Day, let’s ask for God’s favor on our land as we use the acronym GRACE as a guide to pray for our nation that we might be:
Godly: realizing our freedom and strength ultimately and always comes from our sovereign God.
Righteous: that we might be a holy people, not ashamed to have goals of piety and goodness in our personal, family, and corporate lives.
Active: in good works, realizing the needs of our world are great and with the great material blessings we have, we are to share generously with those in our world who are hungry and hurting.
Christ-like: may we as a nation and people be like Jesus—strong, but compassionate, helpful and humble, powerful, but a servant.
Evangelistic: not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and brave to share it in our lives and words, so that all the world will know the peace that can only come through Jesus.
As we celebrate our earthly freedom, make us mindful of your grace and help us to be graceful witnesses to our world. Amen
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!