Dad's come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and the selection of Bulletin Inserts here reflects that. The overall theme of the insert is general thankfulness for Fathers and you can put any message, event, challenge, whatever you'd like on the other side.
Below is a gallery of the inserts and below that a ZIP file that contains a ready-to-print PDF, plus editable MS Publisher files of all the inserts.
The content or the entire image can be used in social media in any way you'd like also.
Here is the Gallery of images of the inserts:
Below the images is a text file you can copy to use however you want in your Father's Day communications.
Click here to download the ZIP file with MS Publisher and PDF files:Fathers Day Bulletin Inserts 2017
Text file for the Father's Day Prayer
We never outgrow our need for Fathers.
Because we are never too big for
Fathers to stop holding us, nurturing us.
That’s the character of a Father.
Even Jesus, King of Kings, our Lord
Bowed and cried, Abba, Daddy, Father.
Today we thank our heavenly Father for giving us the gift
of earthly Fathers.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!