People visit our churches every week and Connection Cards are an essential tool to make it more than a one-time visit.
If people don't tell us they are at our church, if they don't give us their contact information, we can't reach out to invite them back or pray for them. This book gives you detailed instructions on how to make the most of the cards and use them effectively to pastor your people and grow your church.
People visit our churches every week and for special events, but if they don't tell us they are there, we can't connect with them. Our people come to church every week, but if we don't know their needs, we can't help them. Church Connection Cards can do all this and so much more. This book gives you detailed ideas, advice, samples, and a ministry plan to make connections, grow your church, and serve your people using this seemingly small, but very powerful ministry tool. The book provides detailed instructions on how to make sure you get the largest number of people to fill out the cards, specific ways to manage your follow-up to most effectively serve the people who filled them out, lists of what you need to have in place for follow up, and how to triage (divide into levels of ministry need) the cards so you can respond to people in a timely manner. Connection cards are an invaluable tool if you want to connect with visitors, grow your church and pastor your people