Back-to-School is a time with great outreach potential. Backpack Ministry, where your church assembles and gives children backpacks filled with school supplies, now more than ever, is a greatly needed ministry. Children in homeless shelters, kids whose parents have lost their jobs, or whose jobs have been cut back, many of them face a sad and embarrassing time—to be forced to go to school without the required supplies their parents can't pay for and the schools don't provide.
To keep that from happening to any little child in your community, below are PDFs of bulletin inserts (two styles, same content) you can download and print up for your church with the specific details for your church on the backside. First are some links for websites that will give you additional ideas not only on Backpack Ministries for this time of year, but year-round for needy children.
Many families need help on a continuing basis. These backpacks aren’t filled with school supplies, but with food for children who may not eat on the weekend without help. Check out churches in your area who may do this and if none do, consider starting that ministry at your church.
May the Lord burn into our hearts the needs of children and make us motivated to meet those needs. May the Lord give you, the church communicator, the passion, power and prayers to create communications that will link needs with resources.
You may freely download, copy, share, use the following inserts in any way you want.

For another set of designs, PLUS a downloadable ZIP FILE of editable MS Publisher files of the new designs, jpg, png and a text file of the content CLICK HERE
Your story about the crayons reminded me of my own youth. Being the 4th of 5 girls there weren’t many toys or extras. One of my favorite Christmas presents was a coloring book and box of 64 crayons, all brand new with a sharpener at the back of the box. Kind of sad that it was one of my favorite gifts but it always gives me warm thoughts when I think of it.
Thank you so much for all that you do. I’m fairly new in my position as church secretary and always looking for ways of inspiring our “readers”. Our church is already involved with a local bank in their “back to school backpack ministry” but your bulletin inserts were beautiful and I plan to use them.
Like many churches today, our finances are tight so I will not be purchasing much but I will keep your resources in mind as funds are available. I always read through your newsletters.
One thing I’ve been trying to find is a list of short inspirational quips or quotes to put on the outside bulletin board. I’ve seen them at many churches and we do have a lot of traffic going by. It would be a way of planting “food for thought” and who knows where it could lead. If you know of any resource for that, I’d be interested.
Again, thank you and may God richly bless you and your diligent efforts.
THANKS!!!! We are have a community wide block party July 28, 2012, giving out school supplies and clothes. The idea of how to implement is excellent.