"The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14).
The ethereal became earthly, the intangible became touchable when Jesus became flesh and blood. That's why we celebrate Christmas. In a similar way, your church communications help make the intangible realities of your church flesh and blood in the lives of the people in your church and those you want to reach. A grief recovery workshop helps no one until the materials announcing it are created and responded to. The greatest youth program involves no one until postcards and email tell the teenagers of the dates, times, and locations of meetings. The most inspiring conference helps no one if the church is empty because no one took time to promote it professionally and prayerfully.
To help our communications be effective in making the message of Christianity tangible and touchable in our world at Christmas and always, let's look at the Incarnation, at Jesus becoming flesh and blood, for inspiration on ways to lead and to make our communications real and response-producing in the lives of people we want to reach. [Read more...]