When you are planning your invitations for Christmas, don't forget to create door-hangers. As this great idea from Gayle Hilligoss (yes, the same wonderful lady who writes articles for ECC, she also does communication work at her church), shows, door-hangers are a wonderful way to invite your community to your church for Christmas services.
No postage is needed and you can give them out to church members to share around their neighborhoods.
In addition I've included other some Christmas samples from many places:
- A beautiful Christmas Women's Ministry Invitation from Texas (the big red one in the samples below). Note the well-done combination of fonts used in this postcard—lots there, but appropriate and each one functions well to communicate the overall message.
- One of my favorite Christmas bulletins from Abbotsford Pentecostal Church in Canada. This is so beautiful, it's more like a well-designed poster than a bulletin and a real inspiration on what you can do in bulletin layout.
- And then a 36-page newsletter from Australia. Initially it will make many people in North America smile because (though we forget this) Christmas takes place in summer and so their Nativity Scene is one at the beach. In addition to that, please take time to look through this newsletter as a challenge and inspiration. This church has a number of ministries that I hope will challenge you to begin similar ones. I particularly like their ministries to the homeless, which is one of the most wonderful ways at all to celebrate Christmas.