This set of forms is an invaluable help in planning and tracking your church communications. These are the forms that are shown in the videos and books on Planning. The Forms are FREE for ECC MEMBERS (click link at the bottom of this article) or for sale for anyone in an immediately downloadable ZIP format for $7.50.
The ZIP FILE contains TWO SETS:
1) A set of ready-to-print PDFs. Anyone can download and print these--you don't need to have any special program.
2) Editable templates of the forms in MS Publisher. You need MS Publisher to be able to open and modify these templates. If you have it and are familiar with it, not having to do the basic layout of the templates will save you many hours of work! All you have to do is personalize or change them if you want to and you have them on computer files in your office.
The files are for planning your communications and for evaluation and recording follow up. They are the forms that were used in the Planning Video and Forms Video. Consistent use of these forms will help you honestly evaluate your communication program and give you an objective measure for success. For information on how to become an ECC MEMBER and have access to many more editable files, ebooks and more for only $9.99 a month or $99 a year, CLICK HERE.

You have permission to use them as many times or however you want throughout your church.
Click on the ADD TO CART button below to purchase.
You will receive an email back immediately with your download. Download the ZIP file. Save it to your hard drive and then simply click to "unzip" it. You do not need any additional software to do this.
ZIP file of Church Communications Forms
Below is the FREE ZIP file of all these forms in both PDF and editable format for Effective Church Communication Members
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SAVE to your computer (on your desktop makes it easy to find). Click to open and use. ***Remember you must have MS Publisher to modify the templates. They will open in MS Publisher.