Wonderful church communicators,
As you many of you know, on June 25, I had hip replacement surgery after numerous postponements because of the virus. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind emails going into it.
All went well during the surgery. Despite the severity of the situation, the surgeon told me just before it, he had no idea how I stood it for so long—I told him it was because of the prayers for me, afterward, he said he was very happy with the reconstruction.
However, after a physical therapy session on Friday the 26th, in the midst of respiratory therapy, something went terribly wrong—and I crashed, or more accurately my heart crashed.
What happened next was like a scene out of a movie (odd how we relate so much to movies, but that's what it seemed like to me as I was vaguely aware of what happened next).
The Crisis team was called, all sorts of people were suddenly in the room frantically working me over. Though I didn't feel I had any control over my body and wasn't sure what exactly they were doing, I could hear everything. "Heart dropped to 30—blood pressure fluctuating wildly, it's 45; it's 150,.... her BP has shot up/crashed..." things like that.
After a time, apparently I stabilized. A heart specialist was called in; I was hooked up in more places I knew could be hooked to, and I was taken to the coronary unit.
I had 24 hr. monitoring, a heart ultrasound, and a heart CAT scan (they were afraid a piece of bone marrow had broken off and gotten into my heart). But all seemed well and they hope it is a one-time situation, perhaps caused by me attacking PT and especially the respiratory therapy with too much force. I can be very stubborn and aggressive in those situations. But they don't know exactly what caused it.
They did know that if people had not been in the room when it happened and the crash team responded as fast as they did, I would be with Jesus now.
I think the most wonderful thing about all of it was the total and complete peace and lack of fear I had when it was all going on. I now experientially understand the verse "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for You are with me" from Psalm 23. I had a peace that was indescribable and absolutely no fear.
Odd as it might seem to say, it was a great experience to go through. Our faith can sometimes seem like a checklist of things we believe in, but that when faced with a situation like this, it is either real or it isn't. To experience the reality of God's control and care was a gift.
I'm home now. I started Physical Therapy right away and my therapist was amazed at how strong I am. I worked like crazy to be as healthy and fit as possible before the surgery and it paid off. It is a little over a week after the surgery—I am walking with a walker, doing standing PT holding on to the kitchen counter AND (this was a super big deal to me) even able to ride my exercise bike for 10 minutes twice a day. (I started out with 5 minutes and had to promise I wouldn't push it and would add only a minute a day). My therapist had to remind me yesterday to not overdo it because they still worry about my heart—that reminder slowed me down.
Recovery will be a challenge because I was bent for 2 years and my back is totally shot; muscles became so twisted and pulled up they had to lengthen the leg and now lots of muscle and soft tissue therapy will be required. But they tell me they think it is all doable. I can sit still and work at the computer as I did before and I'm thankful for that. I am not taking opioids (a concern that may have contributed to "my episode)—so pain is a bit of an issue, but I think it's better than messing up my body with opioids or taking chances. Tylenol is my friend.
I do have some continuing prayer requests please: for a strong recovery, pain management (which can be extremely intense in a back that hasn't been straight for 2 years and soft tissue being stretched back into place and as I learn to walk naturally again). Please pray lots that I'm able to work (I have to) in our business that pays the bills and supports the ministry. That my mind is strong, clear, and creative. That I'm able to get all the immense amount of work done for Effective Church Communications that I have planned and I have some exciting things planned! Please also, no repeats of heart crash or whatever it was. Most of all that I accomplish what Jesus left me here to do.
Through all of it please "praise the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together!"
Through all of it please "praise the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together!"
Blessings to all,
Praise God you are alright now! May He keep you safe and strong. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for your kind words!
Blessings to you,
Hi Yvon,
It has been a very long time since we worked together but I always appreciated your joyful strength, perseverance, and positive energy. I’m so sorry to hear of your recent health challenges, but I’m so happy you are on the way to full recovery. Thanks for all you have done for others and for all you will continue to do.
All my best and warmest regards to you,
David Murphy
So absolutely wonderful to hear from you!
Thank you for your kind words and know I am still so interested in helping people who help churches. I have ideas and as I get stronger will continue to create more resources.
I always enjoyed working with you also and hope all is well for you.
Stay safe!