You don't need another listing of statistics to convince you that many men, even in your church have a problem with pornography. The challenge is how to help them in a graceful and effective way.
The solution is very simple and I can't take credit for it, it is an idea from a church communicator who attended one of my seminars. I was thinking about this as I was preparing the materials for Father's Day and thought it would be a good time to share it
Here is how she described the ministry solution for porn addiction used by her church
We realized that we wanted to reach the men of our church with solutions to pornography issues, so what we did is we created business cards with websites on them where they could get help. We also had information about the programs our church had on the cards. The challenge then was then how to get them to the guys.
What we did was install the small, stick-on business card holders inside the men's restroom stalls. That way they could pick one up, put it in their pocket, and no one else would know.
It seems to have worked—we refill the card holders often.
With that as inspiration, I created the card to the left. It is simple and gets to the point.
You could also add additional resources from your church, pastoral or counseling help, or support groups that minister in this area. Assure members of confidentiality in any interaction in the church and be sure you stick to it.
To download the Free for everyone ZIP files that contain the MS Publisher and PDF files for the basic cards, click on the following link: Problem with Porn Business Card Image
Bonus for Effective Church Communications Members
Though the plain card will carry out the goals, for this card or for others you use to promote ministries that help people, I created the following set of cards that you can use for the front of these cards or for any others you create. Here are images of the cards:
Below is the link to download the ZIP file for these cards.
To download the ZIP files that contain the MS Publisher and PDF files, click on the following link: Loved and forgiven cards
Other uses for cards like this
The people in our churches struggle with many issues as well as pornography: addictions to drugs, pain-killers, abusive relationships. You can make up cards for any of these concerns.
Cards with helpful resources for abused women or for women contemplating abortion can be created for women's restrooms. One had a lovely little basket in a corner of the women's restroom with referral cards and brochures for women suffering abuse or other domestic problems.
In addition, though I have primarily focused on men's addictions to pornography, studies show women today also struggle with this problem and may be even less likely than men to seek help. Several of the sites on the card here are for both men and women.
Make help multi-channel
Be sure you have information like this and links to helpful resources on your church website and that you periodically mention them in your social media.
The most important channel to let people know there is hope and healing found in Jesus is for the members of your congregation to express in an overwhelming way the love, acceptance and forgiveness of Jesus. In the story of the Prodigal Son, (Luke 15) the father was waiting, looking for his son. When he came limping home the father ran to him, abundantly forgave him, and threw a party. That is what the Lord has done for each of us who have come to him and may we be churches that through our bits of paper and publications, through our digital and social outreach overflow with the healing, welcoming love of our Lord to all who need him.
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