Why this new blog on ECC:
I talk to myself (and the Lord) quite a bit as I put together the material for this website. I spend most of day in a tiny office (a rather delightful one--I must share pictures one of these days, need to tidy first) working on the computer creating publications, recording videos, wrestling materials into formats for distribution online, and then creating the email newsletters to let you know they are on the website waiting for you.
Because I work alone and because I very much need your prayers and input, I've tried various systems to keep both visitors and members updated--but doing that in newsletters, Facebook, and Twitter (which I will still do) all have the drawback of being a very fleeting communication. When the current communication stream on these passes along, the message is pretty much out of sight and mind. The blog I'm adding will enable you to go back and check out an updates, prayer requests, and news when you want through the "Blog" tab on the home page.
I will use this to communicate ECC news to you and then using the comments section you can either respond, comment, or ask a question about a topic. This will be very useful because then your communications won't get lost in the many kinds of email that flood my ECC email. You don't have to respond or comment. I know all of you who come to this site are extremely busy and it really bothers me when blogs or articles ask inane questions at the end so people will make unnecessary or useless comments. This is often done, I suspect to either increase search engine ranking from the host's part or to sometimes express an opinion better left unexpressed on the part of the audience.
I hope the previous statement didn't come across as too harsh. Many of you have made helpful, useful comments in the past and I treasure them. I simply did not want you to think that because I'm starting a blog here, you have to comment. Read quickly, pray for me and Effective Church Communications, and get back to workâwe have a world to win for Jesus!
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!