I don’t like to talk about myself and like even less talking about health issues, but many of you have been so incredibly wonderful praying for me for my hip surgery and challenging rehab, I thought it was only fair to give you an update. And to ask for continuing prayers.
The good news is that the hip surgery (which had to be put off numerous times because of Covid, etc., and which the surgeon said he had never had such a bad case of bone collapse) has healed well. No pain in the hip anymore, able to stand on it. I “graduated” Monday from the physical therapy for that.
The challenging news is that because of the severity of issues in the year or so leading up to the surgery I could only get around very painfully using a walker and was bent over at a pretty extreme angle. Being bent over like that and leaning on the walker did some very nasty things to the muscles in my back and I am still not able to walk upright without assistance and significant pain. There are some additional challenges in that the other hip is starting to collapse, but the surgeon wants to wait to deal with it, though it does make putting my full weight on it a bit of a challenge. None of us expected this, the severity of the issues or pain, or what needs to be done to remedy it.
But the great news is in spite of it all, I am doing great! I’m excited about the Effective Church Communications ministry and am launching some new resources this week and more to come. In spite of physical challenges, I am fine sitting at my desk and working which I am incredibly thankful for! I feel great when I’m working.
Today I go in for a back evaluation at physical therapy (they are a talented and helpful group) and six weeks of new therapy, exercises, and challenges to get me walking and standing upright. I am so thankful for the healing gifts God has given to people and that I can access them.
The most important thing to me and what to pray, please
I’d very much appreciate your prayers that I can get the work done I want and need to do. I am very excited about redoing and launching some of the resources for Effective Church Communications that I’ve prayed for and wanted to do for many years.
Some specific prayers:
That I can focus on the work and get the courses and books done to help church communicators. I feel God has given me the vantage point of many years of experience and I want to do all I can to equip and encourage many who struggle with huge responsibilities and little training.
That I can finally make Effective Church Communications self-supporting. I am launching a subscription library and training school that should be able to do that, if the Lord chooses to bless it. Having to work another job to support my family and the ministry while attempting to keep up with ECC has been physically and mentally exhausting. I love to work; I probably work too much, but I would like ALL my work hours focused on church communications ministry.
If you can help me tell people about the resources I am launching—the Effective Church Communications Library and improved YouTube Channel now; the Effective Church Communications Training Academy in about a week— and then signing up for or buying a subscription yourself would be fantastic.
Please especially tell people about the resources available to them, tell groups you are in, your denominations, your mission partners. My fees are extremely low and if someone can’t afford those, I will give them a free subscription (just email me at yvon@effectivechurchcom.com). I want to help as many as possible. So much of what I see as “training” for church communicators these days (and some charge a lot of money) are dreary, or snarky surface lessons on how to use social media, Facebook groups, etc.—all valid, yes, but there is so much more to being a truly effective church communicator. Doing this for over 50 years does give me a valuable perspective I trust.
That I do all I need to do to get as healthy as possible (the exercise, physical therapy and ….sigh….yes, I do need to lose some weight for my fragile joints) so that I can do all the Lord wants me to do.
Finally, to borrow some of what Paul said in Acts 20:24….
But that (physical issues, income issues) matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me.
Please pray I do that and do it well.
Praising God for you and blessings to you,
PS If you'd like to see my personal devotions journey, go to www.instagram.com/yvonprehn. I've been taking verses from my devotions time, illustrating them in Canva, and then adding some additional thoughts. With the Covid restrictions, our church isn't doing Sunday School classes now and for most of my life (literally, since I was a kindergartener helping out) I've always taught the Bible in some sort of class. So now I do it on my Instagram account and am also starting back doing my Bible podcast and blog at www.Bible805.com
Yvon, as always, God brings you to my mind often (a lot of the time when I’m having back or hip pain), and prompts me to pray for you, as I know that your pain is way more severe than mine. I will especially remember to pray for your ministry, as I believe it’s vital to people in a role such as mine. I’ve learned so much from you, and I pray that the Lord will continue to use you to impact others like me.
Thanks so much for your kind words. God is so good and I am incredibly thankful that I can do what I can do.
Thankful also for your faithful work–blessings to you!