For those of you who aren't familiar with our TEMPLATES I put together a selection of Christmas Templates from different communication pieces, but that can be printed on the same size of paper ( 8 1/2 x 11) to demonstrate how easy it is to use them and modify them.
Just like in our Template section, below are pictures of what is included. Below that is a ZIP file of designs in both PDF and MS Publisher format and below that is a brief video that shows you what to do with them.
A selection of Christmas TEMPLATES
Though we have many more communication pieces that aren't represented here (invitation cards, connection cards, follow-up postcards, etc.) these will help your church share the message of salvation in Jesus this Christmas season. You have my permission to pass them on to any church or group you'd like.
Each sample type illustrated has a variety of additional designs in our TEMPLATE section.
To download this selection of Templates in both PDF and editable MS Publisher formats click the following link: CHRISTMAS TEMPLATE SAMPLE SET
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